
Take a look at Practice Sales Intelligence below to discover the prices different type of practices have sold for

How much do dental practices sell for?

Take a look at Practice Sales Intelligence below to discover the prices different type of practices have sold for.

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Finding Buyers For Your Dental Practice

We are completely transparent in our operations. All of our clients will receive a practice marketing report so they can be kept in the loop.

This report will give you the numbers on:

Calls to Prospective Buyers

Brochures Issued

Brochure Feedback

Emails Sent & Received

Website Practice Views

Viewings & Offers

Client File Database Entries

Text Messages Sent

Summary Sheet

Buyer Reach

By maximising the level of interest in your dental practice, we will achieve the highest price.

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Delivering Maximum Value
& Success

Our aim is to ensure you achieve the maximum price and to the right bidder for your business.

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What Our Clients Say

"Just a quick thank you , for the professional manner you handled this sale, it was so good and reassuring to have you in the background following up and generally keeping the process on track, it was appreciated and made a difference. "

P Denton - Private Dental Practice

"Thank you very much for my lovely chocolates and card. I really appreciate your exceptional service and have recommended you to many colleagues who are thinking of selling their practices."

A Rayarel - NHS Dental Practice

"I very much recommend the company to anyone thinking about selling their practice. The team was extremely professional, knowledgeable and made themselves available for questions and advice at all times. I would like to send my special thanks to Shannon Loonam who would always go out of her way to help out! "

Julia Keilar - Mixed Dental Practice

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to our most frequently asked questions from our clients.

How long will it take to sell my dental practice?

The length of time can vary depending on the practice type and buyer type. Typically a practice sale completes within 4-10 months. For a more detailed discussion about your own circumstances please contact us.

When is the right time to sell my dental practice?

What are the current dental market trends?

What do buyers look for in a dental practice purchase?

What documentation will I have to prepare to sell my dental practice?

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